Author: Julie Ohde

June 2019: Transcendence

Transcendence is a fundamental part of the human experience. Since the dawn of our species, people have been losing themselves in ritualistic prayer, song, and dance. …Most people have had some sort of transcendent experience…and about a third of the population has had “intense experiences of unity.” …You can lose yourself in love, or feel … Continue reading June 2019: Transcendence

Children’s Sunday – Bring the kids and request for help

Children’s Sunday is celebrated by multitudinous Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout the country on the second Sunday in June.  This year Decorah UU will be among them.  We will have an intentionally multigenerational service that day with easily learned songs, a variety of readings, and even games.  (I’ll also have some activity books on hand for the easily … Continue reading Children’s Sunday – Bring the kids and request for help

May 2019: Mystery

In addition to knowledge, there is another force that operates in friendship and intimate relation-ships and that is …mystery. No matter how much we …know those whom we love, we can never fully plumb the depths of their innermost being…. Not only are we mysteries to one another, but we are largely mysteries to ourselves, … Continue reading May 2019: Mystery

March 2019: Truth

 Our fourth principle affirms: “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Truth is the philosopher’s passion, the scientist’s North Star, and the poet’s muse. Rev. Kenneth Patton wrote of a UU meeting house as, “…a house of truth-seeking, where scientists can encourage devotion to their quest, where mystics can abide in a community … Continue reading March 2019: Truth

January 2019: Grace

Grace is a gift that comes to us unexpected and unbidden. It is the gift of life itself as well as the surprising gifts that bless our lives. Perhaps Mary Oliver’s approach is best. She writes, “You can have theother words—chance, luck, coincidence, serendipity. I’ll take grace. I don’t know what it is exactly, butI’ll … Continue reading January 2019: Grace