Blessings From the Pandemic

Location: Lingonberry

While the pandemic has brought many challenges and sorrows, it has also provided new insights and appreciations. What lessons have you learned during this time? Perhaps you’ve become more familiar with technology that has allowed you to connect with friends and family far and near, or you’ve come to prioritize self-care, or you’ve realized that you could limit car trips thereby using your time more effectively while being kinder to the environment. Please feel free to share during this open microphone service, where Detra and Shawn Dettman will be exploring “Blessings from the Pandemic.”

During the service, we’ll also welcome Bronze Quinton to our Fellowship as a new member.

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LIVESTREAMED VIA ZOOM: See Zoom Details for Sunday Services

Decorah UU Covid Precautions for In-Person Services
  • Masks are required at indoor services but are optional at outdoor services.
  • Speakers at services will have the option to remove their masks (Unless Covid numbers in Winneshiek County rise above “Medium”)
  • Please join the service remotely if you:
    • are unvaccinated;
    • have any signs of illness now or in the last five days (feeling “bad,” cough, runny nose, fever, headache, body aches, intestinal symptoms, loss of taste or smell, etc.);
    • have increased vulnerability;
    • are uncomfortable gathering in public right now.

Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for September-October is Meskwaki Language Preservation project. To donate to the plate recipient, you can Give Online. Or, if sending a check, please note “Share the Plate” in the memo line. Donations may be mailed to Decorah UU, PO Box 382, Decorah, IA 52101.