Location: Lingonberry
Our society is bad at grief. Our words are often inadequate, our system of giving someone three days off work a a death is ludicrous and we often don’t even acknowledge the things besides death that need to be grieved. Let’s talk about it, together! Kelli Boylen and her husband have two amazing children. Their daughter is an activist who recently graduated from college and was married, and their son died seven years ago at age 14. Kelli understands profound grief, and believes sharing her own journey and struggles might help others along their own path. Kelli and Scott reside in Allamakee County. Service Leader: Carolyn Corbin
LIVESTREAMED VIA ZOOM: See Zoom Details for Sunday Services
Please note that masks are not required at this time.
Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for November-December is Guatemalan Basics Fund administered through Decorah UCC Neighbors Helping Neighbors program. To donate to the plate recipient, you can Give Online. Or, if sending a check, please note “Share the Plate” in the memo line. Donations may be mailed to Decorah UU, PO Box 382, Decorah, IA 52101.