Feminist Interpretations of the Book of Esther

The festival of Purim commemorates Esther’s saving the Jewish people from Haman’s plot to wipe out Persian Jewry in a single day. Dr. Chontel Syfox, Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion at Luther College, will be exploring this question: Was Esther really a heroine?

Julie Ohde, service leader.

Don’t forget to set clocks one hour forward on Saturday night, March 7!

Everyone is welcome at our Sunday morning gathering. We meet at The Lingonberry, 218 West Water Street, with our service at 10:00 followed by our social time at 11:00. Childcare is available during the service.

Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for March-April is NAMI NE Iowa. To donate to the recipient, simply designate so on your check or offering envelope. Loose cash or undesignated envelopes in the offering plate go to Decorah UU.
