Fire Communion

At the end of each calendar year, many UU congregations observe a tradition called the fire communion, sometimes known as a “burning bowl” ceremony. People write down on scraps of paper phrases that represent the year behind them and bring forth the paper to burn it. Join us in this ceremony as we reflect on 2019 and anticipate 2020.

Service Leader: Nancy Barry

Everyone is welcome at our Sunday morning gathering. We meet at The Lingonberry, 218 West Water Street, with our service at 10:00 followed by our social time at 11:00.

Childcare is available during the service.

Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for November-December is The National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms. To donate to the recipient, simply designate so on your check or offering envelope. Loose cash or undesignated envelopes in the offering plate go to Decorah UU.