Forests Talk, But Are We Listening?

Scientists have uncovered the interconnected wood wide web of life in the forest that often goes unnoticed: trees need each other to thrive in a forest; and we need forests for all living creatures and our Earth to thrive. This interdependence of life pivots on how we humans treat each other and all life on Earth. Melissa Koch will share excerpts from her book, Forest Talk: How Trees Communicate, and other equity writings.

Service Leader: Karen Esterl

Download the bulletin for this service   (Or see the text below)

Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for March-April is NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Northeast Iowa. To donate to the recipient, simply designate so on your check mailed to

Decorah UU
PO Box 382
Decorah, IA 52101-0382

BULLETIN, Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gathering virtually since 2020!

Welcome and Announcements

Today’s service relates to our 7th UU Principle  Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Chalice Lighting  Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry and give back.    …Dag Hammarskjold

Opening Song
  I Wish That I Could Show You                                         …Hafiz, adapted by Barbara McAfee

I wish that I could show you, I wish that I could show you

Whenever you’re lonely or walking in the dark,

I wish that I could show you, I wish that I could show you

The astonishing light of your being.

  Lost      …David Wagoner

Joys and Sorrows  You may light a votive candle as you share any personal joy or concern with the Fellowship.

Silence / Response  Your joy is my joy; your sorrow, my sorrow. Together we live our days, together we love this place.  In beloved community, we are not alone.     …Ellen Rockne

Offering/Offertory  #128  For all that is our life, we sing our thanks and praise; for all life is a gift that we are called to use to build the common good, and make our own days glad.   …Bruce Findlow

Reading  Speaking Tree   …Joy Harjo

Forests Talk, But Are We Listening?     Melissa Koch                      

Closing Song  Trees Grow Slow   …Laurence Cole


Extinguishing the Chalice  May the love that gives to life its beauty, the reverence that gives to life its sacredness, and the purposes that give to life its deep significance be strong within each of us and lead us into ever deepening relationships with all of life.  Amen.                                                           …George G. Brooks


Thank you to our presenter today: Melissa Koch writes nonfiction books for children and their teachers. Her recent publications include 3D Printing: The Revolution in Personalized Manufacturing (2017); Forest Talk: How Trees Communicate (2019); “Gender Bias: Past, Present, and Future” in Multicultural Education, 10th edition (2019); and Teachers, Schools, and Society, 6th edition (available in 2021). She also led the development of the award-winning curricula, Build IT and InnovaTE. After the service, please treat yourself to a little something, and we’ll be in virtual touch again soon. Take care, All!

– Our plate recipient for March-April is NAMI NE Iowa., the National Alliance on Mental Illness, providing education, support and advocacy.

Sunday, April 5 – EqUUality: How COVID-19 Has Increased Accessibility and Other Possibilities for Transformation
, with Karen Esterl, presenter & service leader. As we honor Deaf History Month (3/13-4/15), let’s reflect on how our denomination can be more inclusive of the Deaf and others who have hearing loss. How has COVID-19 already moved the needle toward greater accessibility, not only for the Deaf but for many others? What other possibilities for positive transformation has the coronavirus crisis brought about?

Decorah UU Support
– As we continue to find our way toward a new normal, please remember: if you need help, let us know. While we might establish a more formal or fancier format for supporting one another in this way (picking up groceries or prescriptions, etc.), for now, simply let Otter know via phone 563-387-6050 or email From there, we’ll look for someone who can help out while observing current health & safety recommendations, as well as observing confidentiality. We’ll all need support of one kind or another during this time. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Decorah UU Board of Trustees
– The next regular meeting of the Board is April 7th. Board members will, however, convene on-line before then as we continue to address community needs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Board members for 2019-2020 are Matthew Alexander, chair; Beth Wahlberg, treasurer; and Bill Pardee, Carolyn Corbin and Maggie Hayden, general trustees. Julie Ohde and Lynn Pleggenkuhle have been nominated to join the Board in July as Carolyn and Bill complete their terms. Decorah UU members will vote on nominees at the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Decorah UU Circles
– Coming soon! Members’ & Friends’ responses to the Board’s recent request indicate a strong interest in forming Circles again, as a way to stay connected during this critical time of social distancing. We’ll be sending out information soon to facilitate their formation.

Zooming in for a closer look
– Beth Wahlberg will is putting together some straightforward guidance for using Zoom. Coming soon to a screen near you!

Decorah Community Food Pantry
– The Decorah Community Food Pantry remains open during this time of crisis with clients receiving pre-selected bags of food. All older volunteers have been replaced with younger ones to reduce risk, and a temporary director has been hired. These moves add to operational costs. The need to stay open is clear: just during the week of March 16th,  the Pantry served 109 clients with 296 family members, 16 of these being new clients. The numbers are growing as more and more people are laid off. If you can help financially, please send a check to PO Box 26, Decorah, or donate through

Member Emergency Fund
– Unforeseen troubles come our way from time to time. If you or someone you know in the fellowship could use some help, please let Otter know. We may be able to provide support or short term monetary assistance. Confidentiality will be respected.

Decorah UU online
– Please visit our facebook page or go to our website for more information, including our Sunday Zoom details.

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