Clamoring for Change

with Guy Nave, Jr., Professor of Religion at Luther College

We are currently living in a time when the demand for change dominates much of the public rhetoric. Unfortunately, far too often when we refer to “change” we are referring to something that “others” need to do rather than something we ourselves also need to do. While many people are talking about change, many are dug in and unwilling to move from their own ideological positions. What kind of change is possible, however, when no one thinks THEY need to change and everyone thinks “the other” needs to change? ​W​hat ​does ​it look like to create a space where people ​do ​not simply demand change​,​ but begin to experience change by genuinely trying to understand people who hold views different ​from​ their own​?

Bill Musser, service leader, Bill Pardee, greeter


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