Speaker: Julie Fischer

Earth Centered Service

Location: Whalen Cabin in Phelps Park, View map showing cabin location Dress for the weather – Whalen Cabin does not have heat AND we will have a chance to step outdoors for part of the service! Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for March/April is the New Minowa Players. To donate to the plate recipient, you … Continue reading Earth Centered Service

Loose Ends

Location: The Lingonberry We covenant to encourage each other in our spiritual growth, so it is important to share when we arrive at a place of significant personal change. When one of life’s weavings comes to a conclusion, we are left with many threads to tie off before another pattern can begin. We can feel … Continue reading Loose Ends

Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health

In honor of International Nurses Day (May 12), Decorah UU will listen to the experiences of nurses from our congregation and the wider community. The 2022 theme of International Nurses Day is “Nurses: A Voice to Lead–Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health.” How can we ensure that nurses get the education … Continue reading Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health

Writing Letters to Political Prisoners

Mel Underbakke and Julie Fischer will speak about the experience and importance of writing letters to political prisoners. Service Leader: Julie Fischer Everyone is welcome at our Sunday morning gathering. We meet at The Lingonberry, 218 W. Water Street, with our service at 10:00, followed by our social time at 11:00.  

Wendell Berry’s “Wild and Domestic”

American poet, essayist, environmental activist, novelist, and farmer, Wendell Berry is beloved by many Unitarian Universalists. His reflection “Wild and Domestic” published online by Orion Magazine is a beautiful distillation of his wisdom and prophecy. Decorah UU member Julie Fischer will share Berry’s words with the congregation. Service Leader: Karen Esterl Share-the-Plate – Our plate … Continue reading Wendell Berry’s “Wild and Domestic”