Speaker: Karen Esterl

Covenantal, Not Creedal

Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal, not creedal, faith. While we affirm and promote our beloved UU principles, no one is required to recite a creed; all are welcome to embrace their own theological (even completely atheistic) beliefs. Let us celebrate our covenant with one another with story and song and conversation. Download Bulletin LIVESTREAMED VIA … Continue reading Covenantal, Not Creedal

Juneteenth: Freedom Day

June 19th, known as Juneteenth, is a celebration of the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the Confederacy. Although the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect January 1, 1863, it took over two years for that news to travel to Galveston Island, Texas. Thus June 19th is also known as Freedom Day or the U.S.’s 2nd … Continue reading Juneteenth: Freedom Day

EqUUality: How COVID-19 Has Increased Accessibility and Other Possibilities for Transformation

As we honor Deaf History Month (3/13-4/15), let’s reflect on how our denomination can be more inclusive of the Deaf and others who have hearing loss. How has COVID-19 already moved the needle toward greater accessibility, not only for the Deaf but for many others? What other possibilities for positive transformation has the coronavirus crisis … Continue reading EqUUality: How COVID-19 Has Increased Accessibility and Other Possibilities for Transformation

Festival of Music

Decorah UU members and friends will be sharing music of the season. Service Leaders: Karen Esterl and Ellen Rockne Everyone is welcome at our Sunday morning gathering. We meet at The Lingonberry, 218 W. Water Street, with our service at 10:00, followed by our social time at 11:00.


Did you know that Unitarian Universalists have a week-long celebration of our principles and that its name is Chalica? Chalica begins on the first Monday in December and lasts seven days. Each day a chalice is lit and the day is spent reflecting on the meaning of that day’s principle and doing a good deed … Continue reading Chalica

A Change is Gonna Come

The Autumnal Equinox is approaching; the weather is getting cooler. This type of seasonal transition offers the perfect opportunity to explore other kinds of transformation, personal and societal. Decorah UU member Karen Esterl will explore this theme. Service Leader: Carol Hagen

The Power of We

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Karen Esterl served as Decorah UU’s delegate to GA in June and will be sharing the highlights with us. Service leader: Karen Esterl Everyone is welcome at our … Continue reading The Power of We

Celebrating UU Women in History

March is Women’s History Month. Let’s celebrate by exploring the lives of some of our Unitarian Universalist foremothers, many of whom have had a significant impact not only on our faith but on our world. Service Leader: Karen Esterl

How the Universalists and Unitarians Invented Christmas

Service Leader: Karen Esterl  Greeter: Harvey Benson Did you know the early Pilgrims discouraged observing Christmas and that Universalists were among the first Christians in the United States to encourage celebrating it? Did you know that Unitarians were responsible for bring the Christmas tree tradition to our country? Come listen to a dramatic reading of “How … Continue reading How the Universalists and Unitarians Invented Christmas

Gratitude As Prayer

Ellen McDonald, service leader, Will Fellows, greeter Hindu spiritual leader Nithyananda has said, “Gratitude is the greatest prayer. Thank you is the greatest mantra.” How can we engage in ongoing gratitude, not just when reminded to by holidays like Thanksgiving, but as daily spiritual practice? Join us for songs, prayers, and readings that explore living … Continue reading Gratitude As Prayer