Speaker: Lara Martinsen-Burrell

Our Whole Lives: Lifespan Sexuality Education

Location: The Lingonberry Our Whole Lives, the multigenerational sexuality education classes facilitated by the UU and UCC for over a decade in Decorah are a fruit of our UU principles.  Come be refreshed and renewed in yourself and in our congregational commitment to this ministry as we welcome two new facilitators, Melissa Koch and Sandhya … Continue reading Our Whole Lives: Lifespan Sexuality Education

Our Whole Lives

This Sunday’s Service is about/inspired by Our Whole Lives (OWL) the sexuality curriculum our congregation supports. In the 4-6 grade, 7-9 grade and 10-12 grade classes there is a question box. Participants place any questions they have about sex, the last class, or future classes anonymously into the box and the class leaders answer the … Continue reading Our Whole Lives

Receiving the Gifts of YoUUr Body

Join the Martinsen-Burrells in an uplifting service (crafted primarily by Lara MB). Together we will share breath, song, movement and stillness as we cultivate our inner fire so that we may practice our 7 principles with strength. Service Leader: Ellen Macdonald Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for July-August is the Backpack Program, which provides kid-friendly, … Continue reading Receiving the Gifts of YoUUr Body