Speaker: Sue Otte

Ingathering & Water Ceremony

Location: Twin Springs Park Whether you have traveled to favorite vacation or family places or stayed closer to home this summer, please bring some water to add to our common bowl and share a memory of your summer. We always look forward to beginning another year of fellowship and spending time in this very beautiful … Continue reading Ingathering & Water Ceremony

Day of the Dead Service

Honoring our ancestors on Day of the Dead. Service is via Zoom only. Service Leader: Sue Otte Download Bulletin LIVESTREAMED VIA ZOOM: See Zoom Details for Sunday Services Share-the-Plate – Our plate recipient for September-October is the Decorah Free Clinic. To donate to the plate recipient, you can Give Online. Or, if sending a check, please note … Continue reading Day of the Dead Service

Ingathering at Twin Springs

Rescheduling from September 12! We will be coming together once again at Twin Springs Park for our Ingathering Service. Whether you have traveled to favorite vacation or family places or stayed closer to home this summer, please bring some water to add to our common bowl and share a memory of your summer. We always … Continue reading Ingathering at Twin Springs

Loss, Stress, and Stolen Pleasure: Reflections on a Pandemic Year,

Health writer Jane Brody began a recent column saying, “Many, perhaps most, of us have spent this past year struggling to find ways to mourn the losses, weather the stresses and revive the pleasures stolen by the Covid-19 Pandemic.” After Sue shares a reflection from her year, she invites you to offer yours. How has … Continue reading Loss, Stress, and Stolen Pleasure: Reflections on a Pandemic Year,

Rules, Rituals, and Restoration: the Story of Sunday

With roots in the Judaeo/Christian tradition, UUs observe Sundays as a day of gathering, along with many other faith traditions. What does Sunday mean to us today, and how has it changed over the years? As Sue shares some history and personal reflections, she invites your perspectives as well. Download Bulletin Karen Esterl, service support. … Continue reading Rules, Rituals, and Restoration: the Story of Sunday

Days of the Dead: Monarchs, Marigolds and Mystery

Many traditions celebrate this time of year as an opportunity to remember and honor our ancestors. Incorporating the Mexican holiday of Dias de los Muertos, along with the Celtic Samhain, and our western All Saints Day, we, too, remember those in our lives and world who are no longer with us on this earth.

Books We Love

We share the joys of reading with one another in this service. All can participate either by talking about one or more of their favorite books or by listening to other’s talk. Service Leader: Sue Otte Everyone is welcome at our Sunday morning gathering. We meet at The Lingonberry, 218 W. Water Street, with our … Continue reading Books We Love

Celebrating UU Women in History

March is Women’s History Month. Let’s celebrate by exploring the lives of some of our Unitarian Universalist foremothers, many of whom have had a significant impact not only on our faith but on our world. Service Leader: Karen Esterl