Topic: Spirituality

Authentic Spirituality in an Artificial Intelligence World

A presentation on Authentic Spirituality in an Artificial Intelligence World by Mike Vermace. Please note: this week’s service is at the Senior Center, 806 River Street. Service Leader: Ellen MacDonald Everyone is welcome at our Sunday morning gathering. Most weeks we meet at The Lingonberry, 218 W. Water Street, with our service at 10:00, followed by … Continue reading Authentic Spirituality in an Artificial Intelligence World

Open Mic: Epiphanies

Julie Fischer, service leader; Beth Wahlberg, greeter January 6th is celebrated in the Western Christian Church as the Feast of Epiphany, commemorating the visit of the Magi to baby Jesus, thus the revelation of his existence to the Gentiles. Let’s take this time to consider the revelations that have come into our own lives and … Continue reading Open Mic: Epiphanies

Gratitude As Prayer

Ellen McDonald, service leader, Will Fellows, greeter Hindu spiritual leader Nithyananda has said, “Gratitude is the greatest prayer. Thank you is the greatest mantra.” How can we engage in ongoing gratitude, not just when reminded to by holidays like Thanksgiving, but as daily spiritual practice? Join us for songs, prayers, and readings that explore living … Continue reading Gratitude As Prayer

Hymn Sing

Last week’s service focused on how music can be a spiritual experience. Let’s continue exploring that idea through a hymn sing! Come ready to pick your favorite songs from the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, Singing the Living Tradition. Karen Esterl will facilitate, sharing the history of UU hymnody, reading texts that celebrate music, and walking folks … Continue reading Hymn Sing