Topic: War

51 Years of Military Occupation in the Holy Land

Sue Otte, service leader. Detra Dettman, greeter For half a century, Israel has maintained the military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. The millions of Palestinians who live in the occupied territories are subject to routine human rights abuses including excessive use of force, arrest and imprisonment without charge or trial, … Continue reading 51 Years of Military Occupation in the Holy Land

Seeking Popular Dialogue: Challenging the Forever War through Popular Culture

with Derek Sweet, Professor of Communication Studies at Luther College Given the prolific use of US military force around the globe, it should come as no surprise that our leisure time is filled with representations of war. From The Last Jedi to Black Panther, from Homeland to Seal Team, from Call of Duty to Fortnite, … Continue reading Seeking Popular Dialogue: Challenging the Forever War through Popular Culture